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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mokit hunted

Mokit worked with this shop owner for a week or so. The shopkeeper would lock Mokit and another boy much younger to him in his small hovel of a godown so that they are not able to flee in the night. The godown has no window and is stuffed with provision, water bottles sacks of grains and big rats ofcource. Mokit told me after fleeing from the clutches of his master that after the shop was closed His master would put them in the godown and down the shutter and lock them. at times they had to retain their urine and waste till the shop was opened next day.

I had met Moquit on way to bus stand on 20th of November 2009 around 4 P.M. I know Moquit since a year. He was grumbling most of the time at road side eating house. He had joined employer’s factory to learn the skill of karahai cloth work but the employer.