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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Storm over cup of tea

Tayagi was the only lawyer who seems to empathize with him. He was the only man with whom he would share his moments. They would almost everyday have lunch and tea together and bicker to foot the bill.

It was twelfth day of October year 2009. Around 12 A.M. Mr. Shah was sitting with two of his clients in the lock-up canteen - the only place where he could attend to his guests and clients and so long the tea is not finished after which the bearer would signal to leave " Something else?. You have had you tea?" They would say. They have instructions from the Bar Office not to allow any lawyer meaning lawyers without chambers or seats - shelter less lawyers- lawyers without a foot hold in court premises to entertain clients.

It was then lawyer Mehdi the 60 year old senior, prominent by his short height, whose lies and tantrums marginalized lawyers and juniors are afraid of and which is capitalized by the privileged ones - entered the canteen and shouted full throat " What the hell Court you are holding here. You frauds, you use facilities as joints and haunts. Mr. Shah tossed between anger, disgust and shame. Mr. Shah tried to pretest in shaky, suppressed and dragged voice ad tones indirectly addressing his clients while their tea was still hot. “I have no concern with him nor he does have with me. You see. It is some thing else you see. He lies compulsively and obsessively to target people like us" The tea in paper cups was still hot.

Just then a couple of lawyers entered and immediately took notice of Shah's excited gestures and postures. Mehdi laughed and wished them. "Listen a little. Listen a little. Bangali is bashing me. The day is not far when we seniors have to abandon the profession. We have no honor left here" One of them with athlete body blurted" What does he think of himself. One punch would send him go spinning" The duo was Hindu lawyers.

Shah Sahib left the canteen like a wet rat his clients still sitting, both stealing gazes.

The Canteen at that time was packed with customers and lawyers. Were they disgusted or romanticised with the situation - saw it as a pleasant diversion?

This was not the worst torment he underwent here.

It is 30 years since New Delhi Courts were shifted here, in the present complex - the palace of erstwhile Maharaja of Patiala from Parliament Street. They have built more than a thousand of chambers and seats and sold them off - every little available space. They allowed countless kiosks and shops to be erected but did not built a consultation hall, room or shed driven by small, constricted and mean thinking to starve out underprivileged lawyers who come from marginalized and poor background. Those who have money and many part-timers buy chambers and seats and immediately become part of the cartel.

There are half a dozen full grow mulberry trees along side the front facade of the double storey New Chamber Complex. During seasons the luxuriant foliage over-rides the open balocony from where lawyers can feast on the sweet larger fruits as if off the banquet table.

19.10.09. it was usual for Tegi to greet Shah with broad smile, no sooner they came face to face, first time in the morning, invariably about the central hall balcony which a score of lawyers occupy with their tables desks and chairs sprawled cheek a jowl which function as their offices. Tegi owns one of the corner tables, facing gate No.6 - the low gate beautifully shaded by stunted mulberry trees like bougainvilleas, which during seasons produce little stunted sweet fruits hanging low within hands reach.

There is half a dozen of full grown mulberry trees along side the front facade of the double storey New Chamber Complex. During seasons the luxuriant foliage over-rides the open balcony from where lawyers can feast on the sweet larger fruits as if off the banquet table.

Mr. Yadav had his table next to Tegi. The two were in ionterncine cold war till Yadav changed his place of practise to
Ghaziabad. Yadav bore grudge against Tegi. He would allege that Tegi had cheated him on several occaisons. Yadav would say tyat Tegi had come to occupy the table through deceit, high-handedness and clout. He would say that agter demise of the previous lawyer Tegi had carried away his tables and chattels in tempo and planted his table in its place and had kimsel entrenched there with the help of Manon the previous Bar President a poweful man in court.

Mr. Yadav had his table next to Tegi. The two were in internecine cold war till Yadav changed his place of practice toGhaziabad. Yadav bore grudge against Tegi. He would allege that Tegi had cheated him on several occasions. Yadav would say that Tegi had come to occupy the table through deceit, high-handedness and clout. He would say that after demise of the previous lawyer Tegi had carried away his tables and chattels in tempo and planted his table in its place and had himself entrenched there with the help of Manon the previous Bar President a powerful man in court.

Whenever they sat togather side by side they sat like dolls, tense and listlesss. Tegi would salute and ask any acquaintences who happened to be around and would beseech him with utmost humility to sit beside him. "Do sit here and work here.This is your chair." He would say. For re-assurance and to dilute his tension and fear.

After Yadav shifted he rented out the table to Mrs. Chodry, a potly lady approaching mid-age.She was and oath commissioner appointed by Delhi High Court.

Tegi's tensions and worries took a u-turn. tegi became very punctual, work or no work as was his wont. More often than not he would sit glued to his site burried in his Nokia mobile phone playing games tense with some kind of anticipation.